Written by Rachel The Galactic Shaman, from Rachel's personal writings.
In today's society there are may different ways to garner information; it could be a chance meeting with another to receive the answer to a question in general conversation, by radio, or the internet. With so much out there it can become overwhelming and confusing as to which way to turn to, what is truth and what isn't truth, how to discern if the information is legitimate or not, only you can learn to use your intuition or discernment as to what resonates with you.
This Blog has been developed to assist you the knowledge/truth seeker to gain a better understanding of the in's and out's of the spiritual jargon that has been bandied around on a daily basis in this world.
This Blog is based on 30 + years of seeking, learning and growing on how to best adapt to the ever evolving world of spiritual practices. You will share with you, how to ground, protect, cleanse, clear and create a safe and sacred space for yourself to continue to grow and prosper in all ways.
These teachings are not from source, yet are in alignment with Source, Creator Source or who ever you perceive this to be.
Listening to your inner self : we have shifted away from listening to self, that little voice within, that gives us an indication of danger or safety. Truth or lie! This is developed by trusting what you feel, it if feels right go for it on the other hand if you feel like being sick or nauseous even, this is an indication of danger or get out of there quickly, your not safe. This can also come from your Heart space, the heart will expand to let you know that all is well. On the other hand when the heart doesn't expand this is telling you, this information doesn't resonate! To hear the heart space and to innerstand the cues slowing down is imperative.
Seeing the signs : The signs are the major ones we look for from without of ourselves, as this is what we are being taught. The external is the 'bees knees' of knowledge, however this is not always the case! After a while the information highway becomes stagnate, yesterdays news, so to speak.
Slowing Down To Receive: taking time to slow down and switch off, this is never an easy way to go, as the world around us is and has taught us to keep busy, stay in the mind and to lead into distraction. However does it's job just right. Going out into nature and spending time to listen to the sounds of the forrest, park, beach or your own backyard. Stopping and taking time out to injoy the roses, smell the coffee and to injoy you once again.
At the end of the day, you are the only one who can choose to change how you relate to you, distractions keep you away from the inner you and when you are ready to shift from the head to the heart you will, this is how you will be able to relate to your surroundings and heal for better health.
The World Needs Your Medicine and Majic
With so much Love Rachel The Galactic Shaman