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Exmouth to Karratha

Leaving behind the beautiful and gorgeous Exmouth Gulf for the road ahead at 5.30am. I had a wonderful time here, yet the travels still continue. More will be added in time...

Spinner Dolphins

Coral Bay to Exmouth

As I left Coral Bay the wild flowers were in full bloom against the majestic termite mounds that dotted the landscape. The sunrises and sunsets were stellar!

Whale Shark


Leaving Carnarvon at 3.33am for Coral Bay and ended up by, arriving for sunrise, a splash and play in the water. I only lasted here a day as the public shower wasn't working, however I was able to get in a cheeky coffee with a side order of Master and purchased a pair of local Ningaloo reef shell earings from the local silversmith. Then off to Exmouth I go...

Carnarvon to Coral Bay



Leaving Perth at 4am to travel to Carnarvon. With a supplies stop in Geraldton, a muzz buzz coffee to get me moving on the road. This is the longest part of the trip, the driving with regular stops along the way.


Chocolate Cake Batter


I love to be able to bring about new and exciting experiences to you the Beautiful Soul.

The ceremonies are kept small, so as to have a more personalized and intimate immersive experience within yourself and the cacao, also to have time to be able to share if you wish to, also make your own connections with others to build new friendships.

Preparing the delicious cacao was such an honor for these beautiful souls who came and participated in the 1st ceremony of the year.

Here we all are at the end, writing down our experience in our journals, to keep and reflect back on.

Chocolate Cake Batter

Cacao Ceremony 23/2/24

I love to be able to bring about new and exciting experiences to you the Beautiful Soul.

The ceremonies are kept small, so as to have a more personalized and intimate immersive experience within yourself and the cacao, also to have time to be able to share if you wish to, also make your own connections with others to build new friendships.

Preparing the delicious cacao was such an honor for these beautiful souls who came and participated in the 2nd ceremony of the year.

Chocolate Cake Batter

Cacao & Eye Gazing 31/5/24

There may be no better way to communicate what is held in the Cacao Ceremony, than through images. As you browse these Images, take a few moments to let your gaze soften, and eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for the energy generated in this space. Blue Dragonfly Wellness Centre, Midvale. Perth, Western Australia.


Inner Child Play Day

On Friday  27/10/23 we came together to celebrate and honor our inner child and allow him or her to play, Here are Eric, Kaye and Marisa all injoying their time with play dough, we made shapes and Eric made a train, great job all and well done, with a big Thank You to those who came.

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created by Rachel The Galactic Shaman © 2023 updated 2024

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